Kerry Foods

Date: 28th February 2022

Client: Kerry Foods

What began as free cinema tickets, became free movie streaming in response to the covid lockdown.

Selection of images of Attack A Snack products


Kerry Foods were under pressure to discount their Attack a Snak product to improve share of shelf space in key retailers.

What began as free cinema tickets, became free movie streaming in response to the covid lockdown.


SPARK were engaged to provide an alternative campaign that provided an incentive to purchase without devaluing the brand through discounting.

We created and executed an online “winning moments” mechanic where winners received Cineworld tickets………..then the pandemic hit and cinemas closed.

Within hours the cinema tickets were replaced with home movie streaming rewards so that winners could enjoy their movie fix at home.


Despite the change, not a single consumer complained and feedback on the service was universally positive.

Kerry Foods enjoyed unprecedented sales and replacing the discount with a reward meant that brand value was retained.


Kerry Foods overachieved sales targets by 19%!


Kerry Foods achieved all of their placement targets!