Is cinema too expensive?

Published: 3rd July 2024

44% of people said Yes! Find out more in the annual Cinema Society survey from SPARK, with over 1,000 respondents!

Every year, we survey The Cinema Society members to gather their opinions on the club’s performance and to learn about their overall cinema-going habits.

The findings are intriguing for clients, cinemas, or anyone curious about the public’s cinema-going patterns and their implications.

We asked our members:

What prevents you from going to the cinema more often?


Too Expensive


Nothing I Want To See


No Time


Something Else


No Cinema Nearby

The cost of a cinema visit is the factor most likely to prevent people from a night at the cinema, good news for Cinema Society members who benefit from the best prices.

2024 has had a much-publicised lack of content in-cinema and that’s another big reason for not going.

Lastly, having busy lives seems to be an issue too with 32% of respondents unable to find time to visit.