Streaming vs cinema

Published: 4th July 2024
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Read time: 1 mins

What is the impact of streaming platforms on cinema?
Find out in the annual Cinema Society survey from SPARK, with over 1,000 respondents!

Our annual survey among members of The Cinema Society assesses our performance and helps us understand their cinema-going habits.

The results are shared with clients and cinemas, and are available to anyone interested in public cinema trends and their significance.

Our members were asked:

Will home movie streaming kill cinema?


I stream at home but it’s not really made any difference to how often I visit the cinema


I don’t really stream movies at home


I stream and as a result go to the cinema less often

81% of respondents either don’t stream movies at home, or say they do but it’s not really made any difference to how often they visit the cinema.

Only 3% said that home streaming made a real difference in how often they visit the cinema, with 16% saying they visit less often.